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North Nibley C of E Primary School

In-Year Admissions

Joining ANY YEAR GROUP after 1st September

Sometimes children require a school place starting after 1st September (even for Reception-aged children). Most often this can be when moving house, or wanting to start at another school. In these cases you are invited to complete an ‘Admissions Data Collection’ form (below), to contact us and we will be able to advise you further.

Click here for CURRENT SPACES within the school

Click here for the Admissions Policy

If we are over-subscribed, parents and carers might choose to appeal. Our ‘Exceeding PAN Protocol’ sets out the rules by which we will consider any request to go above our Published Admission Number (PAN) in any year group.

Click here for our Exceeding PAN Protocol

Please talk directly to us on 01453 542600, or email admin@northnibley.gloucs.sch.uk outside office hours.

You can use this  form to ensure that we are aware of your interest.

Admissions – Data Collection

Please complete it and return it via email ( admin@northnibley.gloucs.sch.uk  ) or post to

North Nibley C of E Primary School,

The Street, North Nibley, Glos, GL11 6DL

Admissions – Further information

 Please visit our general ‘Admissions’ index page for further options.