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North Nibley C of E Primary School


Please use the following links to find out:

  • what parents should do if they want to apply for their child to attend our school. Please follow these links:

Joining ANY year group AFTER 1st September(CLICK HERE FOR CURRENT SPACES)

Joining ‘Reception’ in September 2025 (this may be useful as a guide for those planning to start in later years)

Open Days

  • how we consider applications for each relevant age group at our school

Our School Policies page (Click here) includes our Admissions Policy which answers this question

Those wishing to claim a higher ranking based on church attendance need to complete the Supplimentary Information Form below.

Admissions – Supplementary Information Form 2022

  • our ‘over-subscription criteria’ (how we offer places if there are more applicants than places)

Our School Policies page (Click here) includes our Admissions Policy and our ‘Exceeding PAN’ Protocol which answer this question

  • Our Appeals timetable:

Please locate this within the timeline for Admissions. Click here

The Appeal paperwork can also be found on this page