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North Nibley C of E Primary School


We are pleased to publish the interactive wishlist, below, in order to capture the wishes of the school community and utilise the limited school funds to fulfil the needs of the school.

We would very much like parents, teachers, and governors to contribute to the list.  Thoughts and ideas of things that may be needed around the school, in the curriculum or with our resources would be welcomed.  These can be small or high value items. It is intended that through publishing this list the whole community is unified in achieving the resource ambitions of the school.

So, if you have a great idea, we’d love to hear it. Complete this feedback form and we will review your ideas! (Part of this includes a maths question to reduce the amount of spam a page like this generates!)

To start a new idea, click ‘Push your idea’ below and register yourself as a user (in doing so you consent to the school having your contact details. In return you’ll hear when your idea is voted on, or has it’s status changed.)

To comment on an existing idea, click the idea itself. (During the update, legacy ideas appear to be nominated by the head teacher only – this was unavoidable, sorry! In addition, some older links will not work. Clicking the back button could be useful!)

To show your support for an idea already submitted, you can ‘Vote’ for it. Please understand, however, this is not ‘Strictly Come Dancing!

Finances are limited and the teachers and governors will make decisions in the light of whole-school priorities, selecting ideas which are believed to offer the most significant educational impact to the school (these may not be the same as those which appear most popular!)

Governors have agreed to review this list in their ‘Finance and Resources’ committee meeting on a termly basis. 
