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North Nibley C of E Primary School

Maths - Passport

Welcome to the Departure Lounge for Maths Passport!

In the autumn of 2015 we introduced Maths Passports across the school, as a strategy for improving children’s mental maths skills.

Each child is given a passport with a series of targets set out in ‘continents’. These targets get progressively more challenging through the school. The passports track progression in basic number skills.  The children will develop instant recall skills in all the objectives – they should not be taking time to work out the answer to each question, they need to know answers instantly!

All children will start at their attainment level and progress through the passports at their own pace.  At first, it may seem that the work they are doing is too easy but we want to check how fast all the children are at each objective.

The children will be practising mental maths skills in school and will be tested regularly.  But in order to progress quickly and to develop instant recall, your child will need your help.

How to help at home

We would ask that you spend 10 minutes each day practising your child’s passport skills with them.  This could be walking to school, in the car, at teatime, before bed – it doesn’t need to be a sit down, formal time.  For most of the skills, the same ‘question / answer’ procedure works well, for example:

Number bonds to 20

  • You say “6”, your child says “14”

The three times table

  • You say “3”, your child says “9”

For real fluency, children need to be able to identify the missing number, even if does NOT come at the end, for example

For 4 + 3

  • What is  4+3?
  • What do I add to 4 to make 7?
  • 3 and what equals 7?

Help sheets for parents will be provided when a child earns a new passport.

 Progress towards a number of the targets can be supported with online learning, as detailed in the following download.

Maths Passports – online support

Each passport can be found on the above link.


0. British Isles

1. Europe

2. Asia

3.1 Africa

3.2 South Africa

4. Australasia

5. Antarctica

6. North America

7. South America

8. Globetrotters

9. Blast-off into SPACE!

10. Mercury

11. Venus

12. Mars