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North Nibley C of E Primary School

Curriculum Design

This is one of three pages on our curriculum.

  • Curriculum Design – This page! Our Long Term Plan and the scope and sequence of our curriculum, with year-end expectations for learning.
  • Curriculum Rationale – How the Early Years Foundation Stage, the National Curriculum, our context, our priorities and our values work together.
  • Curriculum Support – Our current topic plans, letters and guides for parents, advice on national tests and homework!

Please click on a subject or area and expand the tab for further information.

The National Curriculum

THE PRIMARY NATIONAL CURRICULUM in full can be accessed here –

Curriculum – Long Term Plan

 Long Term Plans - Overview

The 'Long Term Plan - Overview' details the sequence of subject-based themes taught in each class over our two-year cycle. Where possible, we sequence different subjects with a shared aspect in the same half-term block, allowing children to experience learning in a more rounded, cross-curricular way. For example, the geographical study of volcanoes will be taught in the same term as the historical study of 'The Romans', allowing the tragic events in ancient Pompeii to form a rich backdrop to learning. The integrity of each subject, however, is retained.


 National Curriculum Coverage - in detail

Principally, these documents serve as an 'audit' tool, helping us to ensure that across our two year cycle of teaching, all the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum are met.

These DRAFT documents are undergoing a final edit in September 2022.

Curriculum – Subjects

Early Years Foundation Stage


The Foundation Stage is important in its own right and in preparing children for later schooling. The early learning goals set out what is expected of most children at the end of the Foundation Stage. It is the school’s view that children should develop within a happy, secure environment encouraging self-confidence, independence and self-motivation as these are a fundamental basis for their future progress. Children joining our school have already learnt a great deal. Many have been to one of a range of settings that exist in our community. The early years education we offer our children is based on the following principles:

  • it builds on what our children already know and can do.
  • it ensures that no child is excluded or disadvantaged.
  • it offers a structure for learning that has a range of starting points and content that matches the different levels of young children’s needs.
  • it offers planned and purposeful activities that provide opportunities for learning both indoors and outdoors.
  • it provides a rich and stimulating environment.
  • it offers planned activities that build on the children’s interests.


To underpin all future learning by

  • supporting, fostering and promoting children’s personal, social and emotional well-being,
  • their social skills and attitutes, their attention skills,
  • their language and communication skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) and
  • their mathematical, physical and creative development.

 Art and Design


  • To develop ideas
  • To master techniques in 2D & 3D with a range of materials and media
  • To evaluate work
  • To build knowledge and appreciation of prominent artists

 British Values


  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

British Values in greater detail

 Computing, Digital Citizenship and E-Safety


  • To build understanding of algorithms and programs
  • To develop skills in data retrieval and organisation
  • To use a range of technologies to communicate
  • To develop knowledge and attitudes around e-safety and digital citizenship

 Design Technology


  • To develop, plan and communicate ideas
  • To master practical skills with a range of materials & media
  • To evaluate and improve their work
  • To evaluate tools, equipment and materials
  • To take inspiration from design throughout history



  • Reading – Phonics and word recognition, fluency, oral reading skills, using grammar, comprehension, responding to texts
  • Writing –Drafting, Reviewing & Editing, Spelling, Grammar, Vocabulary, Punctuation, Presentation



  • To investigate patterns and places
  • To build understanding of physical geography
  • To build understanding of Human Geography



  • To build chronological understanding
  • To build historical knowledge
  • To build a capacity to interpret historical evidence and points of view
  • To equip children with skills of historical enquiry

 Languages (Key Stage 2)


  • To listen and respond to an additional language
  • To speak an additional language
  • To read and understand an additional language
  • To write in an additional language


KEY SKILLS To build fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills in

  • Number & Place Value,
  • Addition & Subtraction,
  • Multiplication & division,
  • Fractions, decimals & percentages,
  • Measurement,
  • Properties of shapes,
  • Position & direction,
  • Statistics, 
  • Ratio & proportion (Y6),
  • Algebra (Y6)



  • Performing
  • Composing (including notation)
  • Appraising

 Personal Independence


  • To develop independent study skills
  • To develop independent, personal organisation skills
  • To work towards school-wide responsibilities


Our page on phonics (which is due an unpdate in 2022) answers the following questions:

  • Which Phonics approach does North Nibley use?
  • What are phonics?
  • What is the Government’s Phonics Screening Check?
  • How do children progress through our Reading Scheme?

Our page on Phonics

 Physical Education


  • To acquire, develop, evaluate and refine skills in Athletics, Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Swimming, Outdoor and adventurous activities
  • To participate and compete as individuals and in teams
  • To understand and adopt the habits of a healthy lifestyle 

 Religious Education


  • To understand a range of beliefs and non-belief
  • To understand the impact of these beliefs
  • To make connections between ideas and their own thinking and experiences



  • To work scientifically, observing closely, performing tests, identifying and classifying, recording findings
  • To investigate Life Processes and Living Things
  • To investigate Materials and their Properties
  • To investigate Physical Processes

 Wellbeing - Relationships, PSHE, Physical & Mental Health


  • To understand, and value, families and other relationships, inc. those online
  • To know how to keep safe, including whilst online
  • To develop an understanding of money and enterprise
  • To develop skills and behaviours around living in the wider world as responsible citizens
  • To understand the importance of mental wellbeing
  • To understand the importance of physical health, including fitness, diet, and sleep (and know facts and risks associated with drugs, alcohol and tobacco)
  • To develop skills in First Aid, and understand how the body changes during adolescence