School Council
As part of our teaching on the British value of democracy, we hold elections where children vote for their peers and elect a school council. As part of the election process, Year 6 children stand for the roles of School Council Chairperson and Vice-Chair, and write a manifesto detailing their skills, leadership potential and aspirations for the school year ahead. These officers are elected by the whole school, following a week of campaigning.
Other year groups, from Year 2 upwards, each elect one girl and one boy. (Though in the school year 2021-22, we allowed elected councillors from 2019-20, who had only served half a term, the option on joining this new council).
Once elected, Councillors must maintain extremely high standards as they are role models for the rest of the school. This vital role at school is a much sought-after position of responsibility in school and is taken very seriously by those elected.
In addition to the roles and responsibilities that all Year 6 have, School Councillor Chairs and Vice-chairs help to organise fundraising activities and competitions, e.g. for Children in Need, Sports Relief, Red Nose Day and other selected charities. They lead assemblies explaining the charity work to younger pupils and outline the activities they have organised. Other duties and activities are shaped by the school council in post, so these may change on a yearly basis depending on those elected and the ‘promises’ made in the manifestos.
There is a suggestion box and a display boards to enable two-way communication with pupils. Any suggestions are discussed with a member of staff and these are implemented by the school where appropriate.
Our School Councillors are expected to be positive role models in terms of attitude, attendance, appearance, behaviour and manners to all members of our community.
Current work